How is the us of comments and how do you write comments in HTML?

In HTML, comments are used to provide notes or explanations about certain sections of code. They are not visible on the web page itself but are seen only in the source code of the page. Comments are helpful in providing context to other developers who may be reviewing or modifying the code.

To write a comment in HTML, you can use the <!-- and --> tags. Anything between these tags will be considered a comment and will not be rendered on the page. Here's an example:

phpCopy code<!-- This is a comment in HTML -->

You can also write multi-line comments by using the same tags on each line:

phpCopy code<!--
    This is a multi-line comment
    It can span multiple lines
    And provide more detailed explanations

It's important to note that comments should not be used excessively or unnecessarily in your HTML code, as they can clutter the code and make it harder to read. Use comments only where necessary to provide context or explanations for complex code.